simple tutorials for international students
If you are a beginner there are three approaches to learn programming. It depends on your level that you want to learn, the pace and intensity you want to learn, and how basic or complex you wish to understand the theory side of programming. To simplify this, let’s summarize these 3 ways t learn:
- python beginner – suitable for absolute beginner (pre-university / year 1)
- block programming – easiest approach (e.g. Scratch)
- advanced beginner – more theory & complex concepts (e.g. Computer Science student)
learn python for beginners

learn block programming
advanced beginner

Learn Python
Explain what python concepts and areas are taught to each level of python beginner.

python basics
what are the basics that you learn first

python concepts
What more can you earn as a beginner to python

advanced beginner
More advanced concepts taught to some beginners